Τσιμισκή 31 Ξάνθη - 2541023857

Return Policy

Right of return / replacement. 

In case of a real defect or lack of agreed quality, the buyer is entitled alternatively without charge of a) repair of the product or b) replacement or c) reduction of the price proportional to the defect or d) withdrawal from the sale.

The consumer has the right to demand without charge the correction or replacement of the product if:

  • The order is executed incorrectly, ie an item other than that of the order is delivered or the wrong quantity or defective product or damaged packaging.
  • The consumer should contact the store within 48 hours of receiving the product by phone 2541023857 or by mail info@roloi-xanthi.gr, in order to point out the problem and approve its return.
  • If it is a product that does not correspond to the order, it has not been used and is in its packaging in the condition in which it was received.
  • In any case, the product must be returned with all the original accompanying documents (purchase receipt, warranty, instructions for use) and in its original packaging.
  • Returns are made with the postal company that will indicate the store to customers and at the expense of the store.

Right of withdrawal. 

The consumer has the right to withdraw unjustifiably within fourteen (14) calendar days, if no longer deadline has been agreed, returning the goods to their original condition, without incurring any costs other than return costs. This deadline starts from the receipt of the products. In case of exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer, the supplier is obliged to return the amounts paid to him by the consumer within fourteen (14) calendar days.

The exercise of the right of withdrawal by the consumer is possible if:

  • Refers to a product for which there is NO pre-ordered order, such as wedding rings, or conversions or a product that is not in our catalog.
  • Συμπληρώσει και αποστείλει το σχετικό έντυπο υπαναχώρησης.
  • Fill in and send the relevant withdrawal form. The product has not been worn or used beyond the test, parts of the terminology bracelet have not been removed and the jewelry has not been modified.
  • The store tabs and product labels have not been removed or damaged in any way.
  • All product documentation, such as warranty, instructions for use, and proof of purchase are returned.
  • The product is shipped in the package in which it was received.
  • An e-mail is sent to info@roloi-xanthi.gr with the indication “Return” and reference to the order code.

The store is not responsible for any loss or damage to the product during the return shipping.

In case the products are returned damaged or incomplete, the store has the right to demand compensation from the customer, the amount of which will be determined by the condition of the products, and to unilaterally offset his claim against the customer’s claim.

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